Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mexican Fit Camp

Well tonight was the kick off to our Youth Missions trip, we had our first meeting and quite frankly i am so stoked! We already have a great group of youth signed up and i am so expectant on what God has for us on this trip. For those of you who don't know, there is a group of about 20 who will be going down to Mexico. We will work with Joel & Sally missionaries from our church, we are going over spring break.
 It has been great to see the growth and drive of the youth in our church. just a short post for tonight, as fit for life is on again tomorrow... side note, it really is awesome i mean aside from the getting up early and aching for possibly hours after. it is one of those "good" tired feelings, like the difference between eating Mcdonalds and eating a Salad. you just feel like you have accomplished something once the session is over. it is just a great opportunity to be able to exercise, support missions, be motivated and spend time with some pretty awesome people.

1 comment:

samanthamillar said...

sounds exciting. wish i could go with you. it will be so good for you to be on the trip.