Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Circle of Influence

Yikes! Why? How?

Do we understand the value of the people that we surround ourselves with? This has been on my heart so much lately, I am so tired of falling and seeing people falling because we lack the understanding of how much we are influenced by our surroundings. The people that we have around us are our largest influences… seriously think about it.

What is your deepest desire?

What are your goals?

Who do you want to be like? 

… are the people around you thinking the same? Are they seeking and searching for their full potential? Are they willing and ready to call you on areas where you aren’t reaching your potential, are you able to call them on their stuff?

 I was reading this translation the other day... 

            Proverbs 1:19 … The Message

Pay close attention, friend, to what your father tells you; 
   never forget what you learned at your mother's knee.
Wear their counsel like flowers in your hair, 
   like rings on your fingers.
Dear friend, if bad companions tempt you, 
   don't go along with them.
If they say—"Let's go out and raise some hell. 
   Let's beat up some old man, mug some old woman.
Let's pick them clean 
   and get them ready for their funerals.
We'll load up on top-quality loot. 
   We'll haul it home by the truckload.
Join us for the time of your life! 
   With us, it's share and share alike!"—
Oh, friend, don't give them a second look; 
   don't listen to them for a minute.
They're racing to a very bad end, 
   hurrying to ruin everything they lay hands on.
Nobody robs a bank 
   with everyone watching,
Yet that's what these people are doing— 
   they're doing themselves in.
When you grab all you can get, that's what happens: 
   the more you get, the less you are.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Beautiful B.C.

This weekend was great, went out to saratoga beach friday and saturday night. It is so beautiful, we truly do live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. had a bon fire, sat in the sand and roasted some hot dogs, and marshmallows while spending time with some of the greatest people on the planet. Church today was great the series right now is " Family Life" today the topic was marriage, a few couples in our church have recently celebrated their 50th anniversary! what an amazing thing to be dedicated to one another, too truly pursue marriage as God intended it to be. Even as an unmarried person, having the opportunity to learn these things now is so great. 

Looking forward to another week at work, hanging out with youth, and outreach group!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Money vs. Kingdom Victory

Why is it that the crisis in the economy with the stock market falling is such a major focus in the North American church and church Attendance continually falling does not get half as much attention. I know this is a very generalized statement but look at it for what it is worth. In Canada we are blessed, that our economy is not affected on the same level as the states, but it would seem that our perspectives and priorities regarding the declining attendance in the church are on par. Why is this, what is it that has made money the priority over Jesus. This is a huge challenge for me as my focus can so easily become a financial gain instead of a kingdom one. Yet the benefits of a kingdom gain reach far beyond anything I could imagine. Another area I have to shift my perspective. Where is your focus?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Disrupt the Comfortable

Seems to be a bit of an oxymoron 'Disrupt the Comfortable' this statement seems to be a good summary of where i am at. Over the past while i have been taken out of my comfortable "day to day" routines, God has just been dropping visions and unveiling dreams like crazy! It is such a wonderful experience to start to step out of my comfort zone into the things that God is calling me too.I believe this statement is an area as a Christian we need to watch, to make sure we are never at a plateau or sitting idle. 
Tonight was youth, thrive youth church. Jason had a great message on ways, the things/habits/routines that we have and how the Bible needs to be our way, that it needs to be what we work around and not try and fit it in when there is time. The worship tonight was so great, so many of the youth just giving their all for Jesus. It is amazing to see a group of youth who aren't "comfortable" who are pursuing Jesus with all that they are. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Assorted T.h.o.u.g.h.t.s.

An Update… well because I haven’t posted  since January this could turn into a book fairly quickly. 

So lets just summarize it… God is Amazing…

No, but I mean in all seriousness he really is, it has been the most stretching season of my life… to date… but it has been one of the greatest, as I know I am getting closer and closer to the heart of God. It has been so great to dive deeper into what he has for me. Everyday holds a new exciting challenge and another step further in my walk with Jesus. Today was great from work…to an outreach meeting ..too  cadres.

I better make a side note there, recently we have started a youth outreach team, quite frankly it is amazing to see the desire of young people for more of God so strong. I have the privilege of spending time with the most wonderful, passionate youth ever. I could go on and on about how great every one of them are. It  has and will continue to be a  stretching and enriching experience as we all seek Gods face and to build deeper relationships with him. I will blog much more about this group as more beings to happen.

After the youth outreach meeting… Cadres! It is so great to be part of a Church that embraces relationship with Jesus and to be part of a youth ministry that is growing in relationship, tonight at cadre I watched as students gave their all to Jesus, cared for one an other and worshiped and prayed together with complete freedom. What a time we live in where there are such vast extremes. i am so thankful for what God is doing, and more and more expectant on what is to come!

i have totally slacked on my blogging efforts but am ready to pick them up and go strong! So read my  thoughts when you have that moment!


Quote of the day: “if things always went well, there would be no need for faith” 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1st down.... it's a start

So today i submitted my first english assignment package! i am 1/6 of the way done my first course. so i am pretty stoked on my minor accomplishment but progress is good:D 
It is crazy how fast my days are beginning to fill up, i am really excited on the focus of my job that is starting to happen at work, then school, youth and spending as much time with Samantha as possible... as soon as i put my devotional life on the side it just seems to be overwhelmingly busy... but when i take the extra time to spend with God the day(s) just go so smoothly. it is yet another season of extreme growth in my life, but i am stoked about it, i love learning new things. anyway i guess i should get started on some school now. 

"a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children"
... what has happened to this biblical concept?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Peter J Daniels

so i have decided i would try and start each post with a quote. 

"the best helping hand you can get, is the one of your own arm"
"I found the mind is like a muscle and it could be developed." - Peter J Daniels

Wow! i am currently listening to a session by Peter J Daniels. who is this you may ask?! well this man is absolutely inspirational, the session was recorded at Eagle Mountain International Church of Texas in 2005. At that point Mr. Daniels was 73 years old. 
A brief summary: Peter J Daniels of Australia was Illiterate, Ignorant and suffered from diphtheria for most of his early years, he started school late and at that point was only in a "opportunity class". At 26 he was hopelessly in debt and was a brick layer and masonry. On may 25 1959 he went to a Billy Graham crusade and for the first time was told he was equal of all men and son of a king. He knew that something had changed and was read joel 2:25 ( i will restore in you the years the locust has taken). God gave him a dream that by his 85th birthday he was to see how much money one human being could give away in there life time and to bring in 200 billion dollars for evangelism and that he would change the world for 300 years. Peter Daniels was 3rd generation welfare. He taught himself to read by memorizing the dictionary front to back he studied every subject he could and then went into business. he has read more than 7,000 biographies. since then he has started multiple businesses and been on multiple boards across the world including the world bank and the United Nations. His company is debt free, he operates an international real estate business  and has no loans, no mortgages and no debt. the company has never been sued or sued anyone. it is the only corporation with their own private currency. He wants to create a heritage for his descendants. He was once paid 1 million dollars for 15 minutes of his time, and in turn the Texan who paid him made 150 million from his advice. Everything that has got him to this point is biblical, he has followed the will and call of God on his life, and he will be the first to say so, he is a wake up call to all of us. We are called to be GREAT, above average and we have no exceptions. i would encourage you to listen to him. if you follow this link: http://www.bvov.tv/emic/ondemanp.php then go all the way down to nov 2005. 

I love to be stimulated by wisdom, and wanted to share this with you  as it was shared with me. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mexican Fit Camp

Well tonight was the kick off to our Youth Missions trip, we had our first meeting and quite frankly i am so stoked! We already have a great group of youth signed up and i am so expectant on what God has for us on this trip. For those of you who don't know, there is a group of about 20 who will be going down to Mexico. We will work with Joel & Sally missionaries from our church, we are going over spring break.
 It has been great to see the growth and drive of the youth in our church. just a short post for tonight, as fit for life is on again tomorrow... side note, it really is awesome i mean aside from the getting up early and aching for possibly hours after. it is one of those "good" tired feelings, like the difference between eating Mcdonalds and eating a Salad. you just feel like you have accomplished something once the session is over. it is just a great opportunity to be able to exercise, support missions, be motivated and spend time with some pretty awesome people.


well i finally broke down, i am stating this blogging thing, another new item to add to this season of life. i have recently started my bachelor of commerce degree, i am taking it by correspondence and continuing to work full time, i am so stoked! So since i am going to be sitting in front of my computer so often i decided it would be a good time to start blogging, and let everyone know what i am up to. Over these past few weeks i have really grown to appreciate life so much more. i am so grateful for all of my friends and family. They are truly the best that anyone could ever ask for, they are constantly uplifting and supportive. I have an amazing church with an outstanding vision and heart. All in all this is such an exciting and stretching time of life and i am really enjoying it.